第46章 伏魔晓凡

  ”006号选手是蓝氏的蓝雪琪小姐,她带来的是《If you are in full bloom》(曦夜:翻译【你若盛开】“主持人。

  ”A sandal mercy, let miss won't rot, destined to a genuine feeling, a person's future, love is ete**al, like a flower, even if covered by snow and ice, delicate and charming, will be back if you are in full bloom, I would like to wait here, pond under the month empty on the ghosting wandering alone, a few drops of the cool don't have the heart to loud sigh, for fear of disturbing flowers with dew's dialogue, if you must have spring in full bloom, the wind sing in the rain drops on windowsill, a few sighs couldn't fill the best epigraph, words cannot only themselves to understand.(曦夜:翻译:【一指檀香的慈爱,让思念不会腐坏,注定了一份真情,一个人的未来,爱是永恒的存在,像一朵花的姿态,即使被冰雪覆盖,娇艳会卷土重来,你若盛开我愿在这里等待,池塘月下空对残影独徘徊,几滴清凉不忍心大声的感慨,唯恐打扰花与甘露的对白,你若盛开一定是春天到来,风在歌唱雨滴敲打着窗台,几声叹息填不出最好的词牌,无法言语只有自己才明白。】)“好吧,这是雪琪唱的。







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